Tuesday, June 16, 2009

UL Week 2

The weekends are always great. You have friends to hang out with, places to go, and homework to FORGET to do. Then, come Monday morning, you realize that you had homework this weekend! It's always a pleasant feeling... An even greater part is the essay that you have due in a week that you forgot that you had planned on starting that weekend. But I must say, the weekends are still the best.

Luckily for me, I had finished all of my Math homework in class on Friday. The only thing I did forget to do, was work on my essay for English which is technically due on Thursday. It's actually due on Friday but the peer edit is Thursday in class, so I need to have something written for that day. It's now Tuesday, and I'm just starting it. Yay. This week will be a LOOONG week!

Olivia Melancon is from Lafayette and a first time freshman at ULL. She is documenting her experiences here in a special series for The Daily Meaux.

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