Wednesday, April 7, 2010

She's All Yours

Louisiana Republicans have a new convert to crow about...or deal with. The Boston Herald picked up this A.P. story of adult film star Stormy Daniels' (real name Stephanie Clifford) statement, that should she opt to run for David Vitter's U.S. Senate seat, she will switch parties, and run as a Republican.
In a Tuesday news release making light of a recent Republican spending controversy, Stormy Daniels notes that the Republican National Committee picked up a nearly $2,000 tab at a sex-themed California nightclub. Daniels’ statement says she was a lifelong Democrat, but that the Republicans best espouse what she called her "libertarian" views about sex and money.
Not sure I follow the logic in that statement, but it must have hit a nerve, because Vitter's camp responded with a full-on 8th grade hissy fit, accusing Democratic Charlie Melancon of orchestrating Daniel's party switch.
"Charlie Melancon’s campaign must be fully in desperation mode if they resorted to coaxing the publicity stunt known as Stormy Daniels for U.S. Senate into a Republican primary against Sen. David Vitter," the state party’s news release said.
Melancon's camp has denied any involvement in the Daniels announcement. But party spokesman Kevin Franck may have given the best zinger of the exchange.
"If the Louisiana Republican Party is uncomfortable with a Republican challenger who has a history of selling sex, I would suggest they reconsider standing by an incumbent with a history of paying for it," Franck said in an e-mailed statement.

All this, and Daniels has yet to formally announce if she's going to run for the senate seat. She's expected to give her decision April 15. Whew...stay tune for more installments in the unfolding saga we'll call "Charlie, the Porn Star, and The Whore Monger". It's a long way to November.

More here.

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