Thursday, December 31, 2009
Mr. Q
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Somehow, Bobby Knows Better

Oh.... read the article here.
Photo by woodleywonderworks
Monday, December 28, 2009
Freeze! Here's Some Gumbo reported on Christmas Day that a family from South Carolina was arrested, in Jennings no less, and then sentenced to gumbo, hospitality, and a tour of the area. From the article:
A South Carolina family passing through Jennings on their way to Texas was pulled over, hauled off to a church, "tried" for not stopping to enjoy local hospitality and "sentenced" to gumbo, presents and a tour.
More here.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Champ
So, before you put the Perry Como Christmas album on, rock out with Champion Jack for a little while. Happy Holidays to all from The Daily Meaux!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cowboy and Belle (click the links and it will make sense)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I Dont Feel So Good
To be sure, there will be much more Saints talk (the sky is falling! the sky is falling!) histrionics from the TV/radio chuckleheads coming. In fact, it's going to be hard to avoid such yackety-yack for a little while. But, for me, I'm gonna let "my main man" (actual catch phrase from the 70's), Kris Kristofferson, have the last word. Side note: It took me almost a year, but I finally figured out how to work in music from non-Louisiana based artists. More music for you, less writing/work for me. It's a win-win for everybody. Which reminds me WE LOST! Dang it! Dang it! Ding Dang it!
Take us out Kris.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Go Saints Go!

The Saints, always popular, have transcended, now lumped in with New Orleans' institutions -- Mardi Gras, Louis Armstrong and red beans on Monday. They're woven into the fabric of the town … because they stayed. Private girls schools now let the students wear Saints jerseys to class on special days. A friend of mine, who lives in Uptown and grew up going to games, says the feeling about the team has changed. He's an oil-and-gas man, a Republican, not prone to fits of hippieness. "The last four years have been very special in the city's attachment to the Saints," he told me. "I am not one to do a lot of reflecting back on Katrina, but there is clearly a line of demarcation there."Read the rest here.
Also, I was struck by how genuine and thoughtful Saints receiver and Opelousas native, Devery Henderson was in his comments to William C. Rhoden, of The New York Times, on the death of fellow Louisianian, and NFL player Chris Henry. From that article:
“Speaking for myself I go back home and my people, they not only look at me as who I am—the cousin or their nephew or their grandson — they look at me as an N.F.L. player,” Henderson said. “They’re proud of it, that’s just the reality of it. To them, I’m up on a pedestal. I’m pretty sure it was the same thing with Chris Henry’s family, so I can imagine what they’re going through right now.”
Read the rest of this article here.
Friday, December 18, 2009
We're Happy!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Henderson Representin' On NPR
Seems Like A Reasonable Request To Me
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Dumbest Thing I Saw Today

Dude, I'm a proud liberal, and you're even pissing me off. Talk about the politics of distraction. You could change the color of every mascot in the NFL and it's not going to help one person in the lower 9th Ward. It won't fix one levee, it won't improve one public school, it won't abate the systemic racism that exists in New Orleans, or Louisiana, or anywhere else. We're not talking about a truly offensive nickname like "Red Skins" either. It's a giant cartoon character! And you're preaching this from the racial paradise that is Texas? Try focusing on the real problems that affect people's lives, and stop diluting their cause with this kind of drivel. From the article:
You can say that Sir Saint is just a silly football mascot and who cares what he looks like?Yet in a place with as nasty a racial history as Louisiana and New Orleans, the decision as to what color the football mascot should be implies something. Especially when the mascot does not look like the majority of players on the field.
Read the article here.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wanna Feel Old?
Check out the article here.
This Is A Problem

IEM officials say for the past several years it's been hard to get educated technology professionals to move to Louisiana. One of the biggest issues their potential employees have with the state - education."Telling them they have to put their kid in private schools, this is an additional cost and these are just practical considerations," said IEM technology vice president Ted Lemcke. Lemcke says struggling public schools are just one concern his company's potential workforce has with Louisiana. IEM workers advise federal agencies on how to manage threats to public safety and property. "Young technology professionals are attracted to centers like Raleigh-Durham or Austin or other places, and they don't see Baton Rouge as one of those technology clusters," said Lemcke.
More here.
Monday, December 14, 2009
High Water Everywhere
Sunday, December 13, 2009
You're Doing It Wrong!

A Boutte woman who allegedly poured a pot of boiling grits onto her sleeping boyfriend last month was booked with second-degree battery Wednesday. The man told sheriff's deputies that he came home from work on Nov. 7, got into an argument with Brown, told her that he was breaking up with her, then went to bed. The man was treated for second-degree burns on his face and arm.
As a grassroots grits advocate, I repeat the mantra: Grits don't kill people. People kill (or in this case, scald) people.
Go Saints, beat those nasty ol' Falcons!
Photo by Adam_d
Friday, December 11, 2009
Picardy Birds CD Release Sat. @ The Moon

PICARDY BIRDS began in May 2005 as a simple vocal jazz quartet. Four years, several styles and music degrees later, the Birds have become a harmonious reminiscence of Ella Fitzgerald's technique, The Meters' funk, Aretha's soul, and rock that ranges from a love for Radiohead to The Mars Volta. The Picardy Birds have made it their mission to set themselves apart in the musical world and create a sound that speaks to lovers of all styles of music, considering the Birds themselves appreciate a plethora of styles. Remarkably, the differences of stylistic opinion only bring out the best in the Birds, creating a truly original and unexpected blend of southern funk, soul, rock and jazz with the socially outspoken folk songs and the strong, expressive voice of singer/songwriter Emelie Guidry. Upon the release of their first album in spring 2009, The Picardy Birds plan to tour the southeast to promote the distinct sound they call their own.
The Picardy Birds spin an impressive and unexpected blend... musically adventurous jazz-flecked tunes with the spirit of indie rock running underneath"-The Times of Acadiana
"Guidry is a talented songwriter with a captivating stage presence, and her mates share her vigor and match her dynamism. From sparkling grooves to winding, psychedelic stretches to syncopated jazz flourishes the band showed an uncanny ability to draw out the tension between Guidry’s lyrics and verses."
-Groovescapes, New Orleans, July 2009
Sean... Pull My Finger

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Looks Sumpin Like A Turnip Green. 'Cept It Aint
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Dey Coming Out Da Woodworks
Like Ships In The Night
Let's See Now, Where Was I?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Automatic for the People

And the Outreach Center an operation. Helping homeless people is only a fraction of the organization's mission. In fact, one of the biggest programs is the 9 - 11 month drug and alcohol recovery program, which offers counseling, case management, art and agricultural therapy, job placement assistance, life training skills and more. It was revealed at Palates and Pate that this program will be moving to Abbeville in early 2010 to a full 90 bed treatment facility, which was formerly Magnolia Gardens Retirement Home so that's very exciting. The Outreach Center also operates the LightHouse Women's and Children's Shelter, a safe house for homeless women and their kids, the Recovery Action Center (RAC) and Well-Mart. The RAC is a day shelter that has taken the place of the old Well Shelter and it offers showers, washers, dryers and case management to assist in job placement. Now this is what blew my mind....I learned yesterday that they do over 100 loads of laundry PER WEEK in the RAC. So it's easy to understand that the Center needs laundry detergent.
Prior to working with the OC, I would have thought that cleaning out my closet and donating clothes was what I could do.....never did it occur to me that an organization like the OC would need things like new packages of underwear or laundry detergent. But turns out, those are some of the items that they use most. So just to recap - if you are in the giving mood this season, please think of the Outreach Center and consider donating:
1. New, unwrapped toys - Just like Thanksgiving, we host a Christmas meal where Santa comes and brings toys. The OC does not receive any toys from Toys for Tots or any other agency .....they rely strictly on donations to cover this project.
2. New, packages of underwear - mens especially, but women's and childrens are needed too.
3. Cleaning supplies - laundry detergent, bleach, pine sol...etc. Because so many people are in the RAC using the facilities they keep that place CLEAN and that takes a lot of Pine Sol and Soap.
4. Coats - with the cold weather coming coats are needed
You can call me at the Center at 237-7618 if you have any questions.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Calling All Couillons

Monday, November 23, 2009
Eat it! Wear it!

Photo by gynti 46
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Chrsitmas Getaways Part 2
Key West, FL
Good cheer and warm temperatures are typically Key West’s winning attributes, and Christmas is no exception. The trimmed palm trees, done-up historic inns (tours Dec. 11, 12, 18, and 19), and four festooned blocks of boats along the historic waterfront (the “Bight Before Christmas”) only amplify the town’s merriment.
Where to Stay: Just off bustling Duval Street, the boutique Marquesa Hotel is an oasis of chill: three historic buildings and one new one sharing a leafy courtyard with two pools. On Christmas morning, they serve a buffet breakfast poolside. Doubles from $345.
And for Holiday dinner....Nine One Five, housed in a 1906 Victorian manse, has a holiday menu that mixes tapas (bacon-wrapped dates; duck liver pâté) with entrées such as Soul Mama seafood soup and mushroom risotto.
Shopping: Bésame Mucho is your best bet for sensual gifts like perfume or handwoven shopping bags made from palm fronds. Despite its moniker, local department store Fast Buck Freddie’s stocks tasteful—and sometimes whimsical—housewares and clothing.

Lit-up cobblestone streets, 16th- and 17th-century stone houses, and lots and lots of snow make Quebec’s 400-year-old walled city an atmospheric and European-like place to be at Christmas. Quebec’s good cheer and great food could make you remember you love winter after all.
Where to Stay: Housed in former 19th-century stone warehouse in Vieux-Port, Auberge St. Antoine stands out for the perfection with which it juxtaposes old and new. Soaring ceilings and cast-iron beams are complemented with such amenities as heated stone floors, and artifacts unearthed during its renovation are on display throughout. Doubles from $209.
Holiday Dinner: Serving traditional Québécois cuisine based on 17th-century French recipes, Aux Anciens Canadiens is offering its main menu on Christmas Day from 5 p.m. Appetizer highlights include foie gras au torchon on a baguette and scallops and prawns in a white-wine sauce, while entrées run the gamut from a vegetable terrine to filet mignon of wild caribou. (Prix fixe $36-$79, depending on the main course, or à la carte.)
Stocking Stuffers: Step back in time with a visit to Maison Jean-Alfred Moisan grocery, a 140-year-old Vieille Quebec mainstay. For Québécois clothes, try La Maison Simons department store, and for hand-wrought ceramics, Boutique Pauline Pelletier is a good bet.
Trømso, Norway
The snowy city island of Trømso offers unparalleled views of the northern lights and a chance to say you’ve been to the North Pole—well, the Arctic Circle, anyway—for Christmas. Plus, there’s dogsledding, great food, and a mountaintop cable car. Here, “day” is just a couple hours of twilight blue.
Where to Stay: Most hotels shut down for the holiday, but not the Clarion Hotel Bryggen, right on the harbor. The great views of Trømso Sound are best seen from the roof’s steamy Jacuzzi. Doubles from $194.
For holiday dinner, stay put at the Clarion for a traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner at its restaurant, Astro. The chef will serve pinnekjøtt, cured lamb ribs, served with puréed rutabaga and boiled potatoes; and ribbe, a crispy version of spareribs, accompanied by Christmas sausage, apples, prunes, and red cabbage.
Shopping: Norwegian chain Husfliden is the place to go for traditional clothing, including bunads (the Norwegian national costume) and handwoven sweaters. Blåst, a glassblowing studio, sells the wares of its three resident artists.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Keep Blanking That Chicken Redux

the controversy began last month when the Ole Miss Associated Student Body passed a resolution in favor of discontinuing chanting “the South will rise again” to replace it with “to hell with LSU.” The resolution was never fully enacted because it was not signed by the proper officials after passing the senate, said Peyton Beard, Ole Miss Associated Student Body director of athletics.
But, you know, students at a college football game don't like to be told what to do, and they like to drink a lot. So, they kept shouting the retort at the end of the song. Not a big deal really, but it seems Da Klan is a sensitive bunch (ironic huh?) and they want the kids to be able to keep shouting. Whatever! Maybe they just like to dress up in their money costumes and parade around. Who doesn't like a parade, remember this post? It's a Southern thing!
Read the Reveille story here. And ponder this quote by Shane Tate the "grand titan" (it's his real title) of the he-man haters club:
“We aren’t coming there to cause problems or cause trouble,” Tate said. “Trouble has already been caused by a handful at Ole Miss, including the black student body president, who wants to shape Ole Miss into yet another liberal sodomite college.”
Grammar much? Over-react much?
Photo by dklimke
Friday, November 20, 2009
Christmas Getaways Part 1

This remote village on a high desert plain is especially magical at Christmas, thanks to its rich mix of cultural traditions. Not to miss: historic Ledoux Street all lit up with luminarias; the ceremonial reenactments of Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter, called posadas; and the dramatic American Indian Christmas Eve celebration that takes over the main square in Taos Pueblo. Plus, you can ski all day long on Christmas Day at Taos Ski Resort, 18 miles away.
Best Place to Stay: Near the town square, El Monte Sagrado Living Resort and Spa features objects from around the world culture in its spare, elegant rooms. Book a room with a fireplace to up the cozy factor. Doubles from $309. Have Christmas dinner on twinkling Ledoux Street, at the seven-table hideaway Byzantium, with dishes like shrimp ceviche and grilled pork scaloppine with apple, cabbage, and mustard-seed compote. Reservations are a must.
The Windy City embraces yuletide cheer to the max, with a million holiday lights along bustling Magnificent Mile; Christkindlmarket, a huge outdoor German crafts market with beer and fare like sausages to stoke your fire; a towering handmade Christmas tree; and Navy Pier’s Winter WonderFest, a holiday-themed amusement park and indoor skating rink.
Where to Stay: Peppy, tropical-themed Hotel Monaco Chicago is a Kimpton boutique hotel with verve and a sense of humor. Its wild combo of lime and plum is eye-popping, and there’s a free social hour with wine and nibbles from 5 to 6 p.m. daily. And, it’s in The Loop. Doubles from $129.
Holiday Dinner: Cozy wine-driven eatery the Cellar at Bin 36 is serving its creative, locally sourced menu ($110) from 5 p.m. on Christmas Day. Starter highlights like semolina-crusted soft-shell crab and Applewood smoked bacon sausage are followed by the likes of a star-anise duck-leg confit with crispy potato Rösti, grilled Angus New York strip steak with truffled celery purée, and wild-mushroom and Gruyère cannelloni. Expert wine pairings are, of course, de rigueur.
Stocking Stuffers: The Chicago Architecture Foundation Shop is a must for Chicago-centric fare like Frank Lloyd Wright notecards, Lego sets of iconic buildings, or a round Chicago-sewer doormat.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Let's Take A Hayride Baby!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Help Your Neighbors Help Themselves

Be that as it may, Turk, a real journalist (unlike us here at TDM) knows where to put her apostrophes and knows a good organization when she sees one. Her article points out the importance of the work being done by the Acadiana Outreach Center, and the need for the community to help support their efforts. Indeed, Turk points out that area contributions are matched by federal funds thus far bringing in $11.4 million to the area since the fundraiser's inception in 2001. That's a lot of millions y'all, going to help our fellow residents here in Acadiana. About 30 percent of Acadiana Outreach Center’s operating budget is funded by Palates & Paté, with donations used as matching funds to draw federal dollars into our community. For more information on the center’s work and programs, click here. Below is a glimpse into the Outreach Center’s work since Palates and Pate was launched nine years ago:
From the article:
Increased clients served by 380 percent:For more information or to purchase tickets, call 237-7618. Tickets will also be sold at the door.
• Provided 10,884 low-income adults and 2,450 children with case management, rental assistance and other stabilizing services
• Opened the Lighthouse Women’s & Children’s shelter, helping 810 women and 378 children since 2004
• Graduated 100+ clients from addictions recovery to live fulfilling and independent lives
Significant economic and community impact:
• Reinvested funds in employing people, providing services to help clients become tax-paying residents, paying rents to local landlords, and purchasing from local businesses
• Shifted from providing shelter to addressing root causes of addiction and lack of safe, affordable housing
Transitioned from a traditional charity solely dependent on donations to a social enterprise:
• Provided market-based solution by launching a 90-bed behavioral health center helping Louisiana residents of all backgrounds overcome addiction and mental illness (December 2009)
• Catalyzing $25 million in mixed-income housing development (2009-2011)
• Secured U.S. Congressional seed funding for urban revitalization model (2007, 2009)
More of Turk's story here.
Image is Steve Schneider's "Belle Fields", which will be auctioned off at the gala.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hey Look At Us
1. Austin-Round Rock, TX
2. Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood, TX
3. Salt Lake City, UT
4. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX
5. Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown, TX
6. Durham, NC
7. Olympia, WA
8. Huntsville, AL
9. Lafayette, LA
10. Raleigh-Cary, NC
Slide show and more here on Thanks Mothy for the submission.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Teche Clean-Up This Sunday

Photo by Natalie Maynor
Landreth on NPR

Photo by: ceedub13
Hold Up...We EAT Those!

Photo by trentroche
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Whoop I'm 'Bout To Sit Down
So, the only guy more out of place at this particular show was the artist opening for The Clash that night, Lee Dorsey. Resplendent in a burgundy double knit blazer, and Sansabelt white pants, Mr. Dorsey was met with a sea of upheld bird fingers flung with blissful ignorance by an audience that didn't deserve to witness his talents. Still, it was pretty dang fun. He closed with this number, and never let the young cretins in the audience get to him, or affect his performance. He was a Professional. Plus, even though he was already suffering the affects of the emphysema that was to take his life in 1986, I got the sense he could have easily kicked the ass of each of those youngins out there taunting him that night.
It's TGIThursday! Happy weekend everybody!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
More Guiness World Records for Louisiana
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wild West Coming to Southside

The new steakhouse will be located on Ambassador Caffery by the Academy Sports & Outdoors store.When you come into LongHorn Steakhouse, you're paying a visit to the West. The authentic West. The West of loyalty, hospitality, and of course, real good food.
At LongHorn, we work to capture the flavor and the fun of the West in our restaurants. That's why we serve the highest quality food and serve it up with a big helping of Western hospitality. Our steaks are hand-cut, hand-seasoned and carefully prepared. Our burgers are thick and juicy, our salads freshly made. So no matter what you're in the mood for, we have the delicious, legendary Western fare to match your appetite and the genuine service to boot.
Photo by cyberdees
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pet Pics at the Mall

Photo by pmarkham
Go with the Flow
Putting the Oh! in Poetry

All shows will take place at the Acadiana Center for the Arts on 101 W. Vermilion St. from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets are $3 for children 12 and under and $5 for adults. For more information or tickets call 337.233.7060 or email or visit
Sunday, November 8, 2009
What's Wrong With This Picture?

Tips for Belt Loop Maintenance During Hunting Season, Football Games, and Business Dinners
This month I am going to highlight some tips and tricks for the guy who is trying to maintain his waistline...but does not want to eat like a chick. I know some of you may be laughing right now, but seriously there are a few tricks that can pull you through the next two months without going up a notch on your belt loop. The best part is, no one even needs to know you are reading this—it’s our little secret! For you ladies, please still read on and pass this along to the man in your life.
Your How To Plan:
At the Camp:
I talked with a few hunters, including a friend who is a Professional Trainer and my husband and I asked— “What do you eat at the hunting or fishing camp?” Of course I received the same response, first a little laughter then “Certainly not healthy! We eat eggs, biscuits, bacon, gravy, it’s all about the gravy! Oh, and night time we may fry what we kill or make a stew and of course there is the alcohol, lots of it!”
Here are 3 simple tips to slash hundreds of calories during your next hunting trip.
- Be a wise guy at the breakfast table. Make an egg sandwich with toast and 2 eggs instead of the bacon, egg, and biscuit platter. This can easily slash 300—500 calories.
- Water down your scotch—or whatever you beverage of choice. Instead of drinking your beverage straight up or mixing with sugar loaded soda, use water instead. This will not only help prevent a big hangover, but it will also save you from consuming too many empty calories.
- Stick with grilled game. Most game is actually low in fat and high in protein, therefore just by making a decision to grill your game instead of frying or stewing your meat you can save tons of extra calories and fat.
During the Dinner Meeting:
This is always a popular topic among business professionals. How do you dine out while still managing your weight? Here are three simple tips that can help save thousands of calories over the course of a few meals.
- Avoid going to the table starving, which means no meal or snack skipping. When you arrive at the dinner table starving, your will power goes out the door which can easily result in you over indulging in some not so good for you foods.
- Politely say “no thank you” to the free stuff. If it is free at your dinner table then it is probably no good for your waistline. If you are not careful you can easily consume an extra 300—500 calories just while waiting for your actual meal to arrive.
- Be cautious of the before dinner salad. While I cannot argue with the benefits of eating some roughage before a meal to ward off hunger, the truth is that those fancy before dinner salads can be loaded with extra calories. The dressing, cheese, bacon bits, nuts and dried fruit can really add up. If you are wanting a before meal appetizer consider ordering a shrimp cocktail or a plain salad without fancy toppings.
At the Game:
- Eat before you go. Before heading out the door eat a sustaining mini meal. This little technique will help ward off hunger and prevent you from diving into the basket of chips and dips.
- Drink some water. Staying hydrated is essential for so many reasons. Bring a water bottle with you and take a few slugs in between your favorite beverage of choice. When ordering a beverage from the concession stand - think H20.
- When all else fails order a meal that will cut of hunger rather than just snacking to "buy" time. A standard stadium hot dog with no fancy toppings will run you about 300 - 400 calories. Please know, I am not endorsing hot dogs, or saying they are the new health food, I am just suggesting that sometimes it may be better for your waistline to order something that will satisfy you instead of snacking. Buttered popcorn, nachos, and even peanuts (which the portion size can really add up) can easily amount to an additional 500 - 1200 calories to your day. Also, when we just order a "snack" it is part of our human nature will forget the snack and feel we need to eat a "meal".

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Yeah! Yeah!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Nutria Expand Their Horizons

New Ethics Laws are Unethical
Voodoo In Spin

Saturday, October 31, 2009
iChill, uChill, weallChill, 4 iChill

The product for which I am willingly whoring myself out for is iChill. They bill it as a "relaxation shot". And I am here to tell you, it works. It looks like those little bottles they use for stuff like 5 hour energy, but it has the opposite effect. And another huge actually tastes good. It's also sugar free and carb free (if anyone is still watching their carbs) and calorie free. It has Melatonin, Valarian root, Rose Hips and B vitamins. I'm not a doctor, but I'm also not a drinker or a smoker, so those routes to relaxation are not available to me. So, iChill helped me achieve a little bit Nirvana with out turning me into a blithering idiot. I just felt chilled out and relaxed. The wife liked it too, it helped her go to sleep faster and didn't have any hangover effect the next morning.
So, to recap: iChill good! It does what it claims it can do. We like! More samples please! Check out their site for more product info.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Outreach Center Looking for Sponsors

Right now, the Outreach Center is looking for major, ticket and table sponsors. Sponsorships include tickets and tables at the event along with lots of other perks. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or to find out how you can get tickets to this premier event, email
Guests truly enjoy an unforgettable experience at Palates & Pate and because of their generous support the Outreach Center can continue help to transform the lives of so many men, women and children with critical needs in Acadiana. Together they can restore many more shattered lives so please join them by becoming a Palates & Pate sponsor today!
Icegator Switcheroo

The Name Is Tancill....James Tancill
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hey Battah Battah!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Scary Halloween Cities in Louisiana

Photo by Rennett Stowe
Broussard Company Featured on Sundance Channel

Monday, October 26, 2009
Maybe Some Hope?

Standing on the viewing post of Bayou Bienvenue and seeing the extent to which the wetlands have disappeared was a humbling experience that reinforced my belief in the importance of this, and other coastal restoration projects. As the President said during the Town Hall, it is inspirational to spend time with the citizens there who have persevered in the face of the tragedy that was Katrina and are steadfast in their resolve to rebuild. The Obama Administration is committed to enhancing the environmental and economic sustainability of New Orleans and coastal Louisiana, and we recognize that coastal wetland restoration is a key path toward achieving this type of long-term resiliency.
And this:
Our trip allowed us to see both the bird’s eye view of the Gulf from the air, and actual restoration efforts on the ground. The Obama administration is working to strengthen the wetlands and barrier islands that are the first line of defense for the Gulf Coast – a priority that, while critical to this region’s physical protection, is also critical to our environment and to our economy.
Yes, it is overdue, yes it is mere words when action is needed. But at this point, I'll take it. It is a start, and Ms. Sutley is to be commended for her efforts. Now, Madame, if you could please get your boss on the horn. Read her post here.
More BBQ Coming Soon

Big Baby Has Bad Buddies

Photo by Daniel Torres Bonatto